June 28, 2008

joy in a new beginning

" We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time." T.S. Eliot's " Four Quartets "

This all time favourite quote for me serves a purpose once again. I had abandoned blogging over a year ago due to many pressures, most of all feeling uncomfortable with it. Then I went to The Word Guild's Write Canada 2008 conference, revisiting after two years. Blogging was on the program, and I realized that it was time to reconnect with the blogging world, and do it in a new way. Of course in the meantime technicalities had done their work. I could find my old blog, http://www.joysprings.blogspot.com/ on the web, but couldn't get access to it. For several reasons. One was that, of course, I had forgotten my password and hadn't used the email address I had used to create it. So of course I found myself blocked at every turn. How reminiscent of our lives. Then I entered the fray with conviction and determination to not let the technical world defeat me. Finally I had to come up with a new solution...create a new blog that was related to the old, and make the new work better than the old...have a link to the old, but get on with the new, find a new path etc. etc....so there we go...for now I am up and running on the web again, glad to be out there and hoping to make connections with the real world of blogging. The old way I did it I really didn't care if anyone read or commented on my blog...now I do...there seems no point in blogging if it is really not part of a conversation....that's what blogging really is? eh? I am Canadian after all...so here's to the new conversation, the new journey to complete and continue the old...it all sounds rather Biblical to me....so here's to new joy...and finding new springs to keep the joy moving...through that conversation and connection with the joy of others....