December 07, 2008

joy in letting go and letting God

This is Advent, a season for opening up more and more to God, and, I believe, for letting go...seems as we approach Christmas we let go of various things, money being the chief one!!!But somehow for me, it is about relaxing..not that I do much of that, but I think relaxing from feeling I have to do things a certain way. So what that translates into with this blog is that I will write when I do, and I don't know when that will be. It will certainly be once a week, on a Saturday, because that is when I publish a post on So I always put that same post on this blog. But other than that, I am just going to let it happen, and if it doesn't, then fine. I am not going to be religious about my blog, as in observing a sort of ritual about it. And I certainly don't want to write something for the sake of it...and I get quickly sick of hearing my own "voice" as it were. More than five months of this blogging has been a great discipline, a great outlet, healing and challenging. It has also left me feeling exposed at times, as I have shared some personal stuff and really put myself out there. So I want to be sure that I am comfortable with what I am sharing on a long term basis, and also that I am saying something worth saying. So, to whomever reads this, blessings on your beings..and may you continue to walk hand in hand with our heavenly Father, with Jesus, in the power of the Holy Spirit.

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