August 05, 2008

joy in keeping the bigger perspective- about His grace

Well, Rachel is in England, and soon to be in the air again. Sarah is waiting expectantly in Kampala, praying for Rachel and me not to worry. Really, Rachel and I did well yesterday, but it is inevitable to think about eternity when one is about to fly into the air at supersonic speed in the age of terrorism, let alone jet power. So the little frightened girl in Rachel was brave and faithful, and the yearning mother in me was the same, as we sent our final waves over the security barriers at the departure gate. Now she is likely having the time of her life seeing lovely southern England with her aunt and uncle for a few magical hours before boarding for Entebbe, Uganda. Take care, princess.

How quickly I am into a new mode, gearing up to face many responsibilities lying dormant while I readied my girl to go. The energy to face them comes as I need it, along with the awareness that this is also a God-given time to take care of me. How grateful I am that God always has the bigger perspective, but allows us to be fully present in each experience, and then gently leads us on to the next one.

And God has just spoken to me about His grace, for that is what this is all about. His grace IS sufficient for me. I need never doubt it. I must not doubt it. Today's reading in Streams in the Desert speaks to this: "Never turn God's facts into hopes, or prayers, but simply use them as realities, and you will find them powerful as you believe them." Annie Johnson Flint the hymn writer knew this too: "He giveth more grace when the burdens grow greater....When we reach the end of our hoarded resources, Our Father's full giving is only begun."

1 comment:

Rachel said...

hey mom, haven't had much time to read all your blogs but i have to say i loved the way you worked in those two wonderful quotes. lotsa'love