October 31, 2008

joy in communicating well, in growing with others

I am not preparing my posts the night before as I thought...at least not since then..so part of writing this later in the morning is that I have had some important chats with a friend and my daughter and rejoice in growth in learning from each other. That is a blessing in this time of working at home...getting more organized and giving myself some space to catch up with myself...it makes it easier to articulate things in communicating with others...that solid growth over these months continues then in new ways..

Even as I sort I am listening to a well written novel in which the characters are sensitively portrayed and realistically developed and it is not only learning for me as a writer but as a person who is training to help others more...all of this helps with my personal growth...I am grateful for God's activity in my life in these simple ways. We have so much to learn from others. I look forward to my monthly phone chat with my spiritual director from Tyndale seminary. That will happen later today. God is so good to us, working deftly to train us and help us grow.

May He bless us all today as we seek to grow in Him and to grow up into all that we can be.

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