November 30, 2008

joy in the new song in my mouth

Today I am rejoicing because of the confirmation God has been giving me of His work in my life. When I met with my spiritual director on Friday afternoon at Tyndale, she was excited to see the growth and fruit in my life, and her confirming scripture verses were exciting to me, of course, as always. One verse was from Psalm 40: " He put a new song in my mouth". As soon as she said that, I began to sing this song in my mind:

This is my song of praise to you
For who you are and all that you do
From the moment my life began,
You have been faithful,
You will be faithful,
Forever faithful.

I couldn't remember at the time who sang it or where I had heard it, but when I got home I was able to find it on You Tube of course, and it is embedded in a medley of songs by Brian Doerksen, which I share here now with you.

1 comment:

Belinda said...

Beautiful! Thank you.