November 04, 2008

joy in standing in God's grace

I got up very early, put on the clothes I set out last night, and prepared for a morning of teaching. There were my butterfly earrings, chosen because they match my outfit, because I am teaching little children today, and because they remind me of being a new creation. Years ago I wrote a whole master's thesis in Christian education on being a new creation in Christ and how to make that happen for others. Butterflies of course were a big part of the symbolic stuff I used for workshop plans etc. So they have always been precious to me and many Christians as a symbol of our new lives in Christ.

But for this morning I am trusting in the last line of the song, "I am a new creation". Those words are: "Here in the grace of God I stand." I claim these this morning when I am tired and a bit overwhelmed again with all that is on my plate. I stand in God's grace, and so He will supply all that I need to stay standing, metaphorically speaking, to not fall, to not falter, to not give up. That is where we all can stand.

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