November 03, 2008

joy in following God's finger in His friendship

"Where God's finger points, there God's hand will make the way."
"It is no small thing to be on terms of friendship with God."

These two anonymous quotes jumped out at me from Streams in the Desert again. We are following God's direction and directions, or certainly seeking to, and we are trusting God's provision when we do. We are also walking in fellowship with Him, sensing His blessing on our personal choices, His encouragement in our trials, and His delight in our individual talents and gifts, etc. etc. I shudder when I think of those who are into lockstep legalistic interpretations of God's will and work in our lives. Yes, I fear to displease Him, I am in awe of Him, but He is my friend, my beloved friend, as well as my Saviour and Lord. How else could I enjoy His company and believe that He has wonderful plans for my creativity and my particularity. He is like a wonderful parent who is excited about each new stage I go through.

How much we all need to think about this as we go forth into each new day. I woke up thinking about lines from the song " I am a new creation". I was pondering them in new ways, in a daily kind of way. I will blog about that for tomorrow I think. But the point is that God is always making things new. I must find that verse in Revelation. And so as I go into this new day, with many things on my mind, much to do, I also have so much to celebrate, not least my friendship with my all powerful, all loving God, creator of the universe. I believe as I follow His finger into this day, it is all part of following it into all my future, and seeing His hand provide for all that He is opening up. May it be so for all of us today.


Brian said...

Yes, it is powerful to look at each moment of our day as a moment of true creation; that each act of ours is a grace from God to make something truly new.

Meg said...

Hey Brian, I like what you said about our acts being part of the new creation...which of course they are...but you have given me words to help me write my next post.