July 17, 2008

joy in beginning to see dreams come true

Yesterday when I returned from a day at work I saw the first fruits of some dreams. My weekly post on the whateverhesays.blogspot.com website, the team devotional I write for, bore fruit in the life of an unknown reader who left a comment for me. She said that she didn't know who I was, but for that day my words were the "light in the darkness" for her. It was particularly the Brian Doerksen song I quoted that spoke to her and gave her hope. That was such a blessing for me. I am glad to get feedback from anyone, and it is great when those who know me enjoy what I write. But when someone out there in cyberspace just looking for hope finds it through the words I was led to write..that is the best answer of all.

I also got to walk down the first framework of the steps that my nephew is building under my husband's direction. These are steps down our steep slope to the lovely river at the bottom of our property. We cannot afford to get them professionally done, but through our joint insight, my husband's knowledge and planning, and my nephew's skill, strength, dedication and labour of love for little money, we are able to see this dream begin to come true.

God is so good. May He bless you today.


Brenda said...

Meg, I'm so glad I found you. Thanks for telling me a little about yourself. I am a middle aged mother of four. I live in Kingston and have struggled with depression for many years and am currently wading through another episode. I have been a subscriber to Belinda's blog since its inception. My sister, Susan posts there as well.
I have spent a good part of the evening reading your old posts. You are an excellent writer and from what I've read so far you will make an excellent counselor as well. You can practice on me anytime you like . :) I'm glad that you are beginning to see your dreams come true.

Meg said...

Wow! Brenda, you have made my day. I have only just read your comment after writing my blog and struggling with myself in the night and now before I leave for work. How good God is to us both. I look forward to keeping in touch. I think you might like to write more privately than this. Please ask Belinda for my email address. Looking forward to keeping in touch.

Belinda said...

Hi Meg & Brenda,
I will pass on the info. with love and blessings!