July 15, 2008

joy in spending time with me

A very important person in my life noted yesterday that it is so hard for me to spend time with me. I make time for all sorts of people and duties, but find it hard to take time with me. I agreed. This morning I unexpectedly woke forty minutes before the alarm was to ring at 6 a.m. It was a lovely cool morning. I lay in bed, savouring the feel of the bedclothes around me, the touch of the air on my cheeks, the feel of my hair on my head. I was enjoying being me, in my body, in my bed, in my time, a gift to me, a time out of time...I hadn't scheduled it. My schedule would begin at 6. I guess God did - He knew if He put that time in first before I got up and got on with the morning program, then I would savour that time for me. And so of course I praised Him for it, and it became a part of a deep sense of knowing God in the everyday reality of my life, my being, but in such a precious and private way. He had shown me a little of how to do what I find so hard to do. And so that enjoyment carried through my busy and stressful day. I carried that affirmation of myself from myself and from Him and it enabled me even more deeply to reach out and affirm others.

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