September 05, 2008

joy in facing challenges, in His strength, and LOVE

I woke up today groaning inwardly about the prospect of setting up for a much needed garage sale tomorrow, getting rid of things before my girls return, oh so happily, and oh so welcomed, from Uganda on Tuesday. I rehearsed all the negatives and worked hard to turn them into positives. I reminded myself of the "joy of stress", as if every day isn't filled with it, and of the value of facing my fears. I recited to myself the teased-out slogans from the acronym for F.E.A.R. - "F... Everything And Run", "False Evidence Appearing Real", and "Face Everything and Recover". I chose the last one as my motto, as I have been choosing all the time I have been working on the stuff that has to be cleared and organized, not to mention all my other fears. I looked forward to the joy that is set before me when it is done, and I thought through the methodical stages I will take so that the task will not be too much for me. I used it as a reminder of the benefits that come whenever we face our fears and move ahead, which I am learning to do in so many areas of my life. Finally I recalled Paul's words of truth from Philippians 4: 13: "I can do everything through him who gives me strength."

With those words ringing in my ears, I mused again on the amount of fear that has often dominated my life, and the amount of courage others have commented on seeing in me. I have often said to a counselor that I was amazed that I had so much fear, considering what a courageous person I am. In fact, another mentor once saw the word COURAGE in "big letters over my head", in her words. The first counselor said the courage was the response to the fear. So the presence of the courage is also a testament to the reality of the fear. It's great to have the courage, and I will continue to rely upon it, along with God's strength, of course, but what I keep working on is the sources of the fear, which are really based in lack of trust in the love of God. "There is no fear in love. but perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love." I John 4: 18.

So today, not only will I rely upon God's strength, but remember to bask in His love, His approval, that I am His, that He is mine, and that together we are doing this task, today, and that in His eyes it is all part of my journey of moving forward and facing the challenges of my life, step by step, and moving out of fear, into joy in all things.


Karen Trigg said...

I don't know where to start...Hi...I am Karen...a friend of mine...Melissa Neal...aka...Tales of the vibrant life blog....shared your blog with me becasue she felt that we shared like hearts...and tho I have not been able to read alot of your blog just yet...I am encouraged by your is my heartbeat for the "body of Christ" thank you...I hope to catch up on your thoughts if you don't mind...and would love for you to peek into mine...I am just starting in the blog I am off to a slow start :-)
Congrats on your girls being home!

Karen Trigg said...

here is where you will find my thoughts