September 22, 2008

joy in looking for laughter

At church yesterday we sang an anthem "Laughter lends itself to praise". When Kelly preached she told a few stories on herself which produced great laughter in the congregation. At coffee hour after, and at the supper before our evening service, I could hear lots of laughter. When I work with my worship leading colleague, we usually manage to have a few laughs. I was in a tired rather serious mood a lot of the day, even though I was smiling. In the morning I had told a friend at coffee hour that my niece had given me a framed picture of me laughing at her birthday party because she wanted me to remember that I could laugh, and do it really well sometimes.

But although my parents had good senses of humour we didn't laugh a lot in my growing up years. I do remember though once when Dad had his appendix out and was lying in his hospital bed with stitches that something I said made him laugh so hard he really hurt with his stitches. I am glad that memory stays with me.

I have been lying in bed thinking how serious my blog posts are and how tiresome it is becoming to me. Of course so many things are very serious in all our lives. Yesterday I sent out a very serious email prayer request for a friend in dire straits. I got emails in return that indicate to me that there are many serious issues in many lives. I am training to be a counsellor to help people deal with their pain and I appreciate my own counsellor so well because of the sensitivity to my emotional pain.

Yet I so often experience myself as a burden, as too heavy and serious, when I know that I can be great at telling a joke, particularly on myself. So this morning I determined that whatever is going on for me, I am going to search for laughter in whatever way I can. One of the spiritual experiences I have been privileged to enjoy has been the gift of holy laughter, laughing in the spirit as a gift from God that was very healing. I have also had the gift of tears.

We need both, and we need balance. But it feels to me that my blog has got a bit overbalanced on the serious side so I may need to lighten up! Here's to laughter in your life and mine, today, and this week.


Belinda said...

Here's to laughter Meg! I too, have had the gifts of laughter and tears, both wonderful experiences.

In everyday life, laughter has sometimes to be welcomed and encouraged. Your post is a good reminder of that!

Meg said...

Like your new picture, B. Thanks for the comments always. I am a bit overbusy again so have not been reading so many myself. It continues to be a deep journey to share these things, and to have feedback. Blessings!