September 20, 2008

joy in new knowledge and experience, and in God's wisdom

I am off to the first day of Adult Education training, a series of Saturdays I will do over the fall, winter and spring. It is an adventure, not very costly, and not too heavy on book work, which is what I need these days with all my other challenges. A new start. Not sure where it will lead or how it will help me, but new learning will always bring growth and confidence in various ways. I am so grateful for that opportunity today.

Yesterday God was so faithful and I was so conscious of His blessing and guiding as I went through my day of supply teaching. It was a day with enough challenges, and yet there were special blessings too, seeing other teachers I like whom I have not seen for awhile, finding myself coping in new ways with situations that have fazed me in the past. There was lots to rejoice about.

Today I go as a student, and so I don't carry that same anxiety. But the challenge is there all the same - to be an ambassador for Christ - to honour and respect others and myself. To not talk too much, or give myself away in a secular environment. But I believe most of all the challenge is to remember that it is God who holds the key to all wisdom and knowledge. Whatever this class, this set of courses, this certificate, will give me, they are dust and ashes in comparison with what I already hold in Christ. And so even this I must consider as "rubbish" in order that I may hold what I have gained in Christ - IN WHOM ARE HIDDEN ALL THE TREASURES OF WISDOM AND KNOWLEDGE. (Phil. 3: 7-8)

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