October 16, 2008

joy in knowing He can do miracles

"Difficulty is the very atmosphere of miracle - it is a miracle in its first stage. If it is to be a great miracle, the condition is not difficulty but impossibility.
The clinging hand of His child makes a desperate situation a delight to Him."

quoted from Streams in the Desert, Oct. 14th

These words ring with biblical truth, and God's truth. What else can we believe when we have faith in Him? For anyone reading my recent posts, you can see the mixture of the honesty of my human struggles, in their depths, and the reality of my faith in God's power. These are the two counterpoints of my life, and, I would imagine, of yours. Whatever the level of consciousness or expression of these realities, they are there for each one of us who seeks to live in communion and faithfulness with our Heavenly Father, friend and saviour, and who chooses to work out all our struggles in His way, His timing, and His power.

As well as expressing these thoughts this morning, my waking thoughts were of the joy of seeing His work in so many ways in my life and the lives of others. One example for me is the miracle of writing this blog and being part of the devotional team blog www.whateverhesays.blogspot.com. Both of them have brought me some amazing experiences. To know that others read my blog regularly and receive nurture and encouragement from it is so wonderful. I don't want to write just to express myself or imagine that others might read what I say. I want to write what is going to make a difference for others too.

Sharing my own experiences only makes sense humanly and spiritually if that sharing is a blessing to others. And in God's economy that is what can happen. My weakness becomes His strength. It is another form of Him using difficulty as the first stage of a miracle. God is a god of contrasts, of counterpoint, of turning things around.

I guess I could go on and on about that, and I expect I will, in one way or another, as the days go by. For those of you who read my blog, I thank you for sharing my journey, and for letting me know that you do. Thank you for telling me from time to time that something I have said or quoted has made a difference for you. I pray that today will be a day where in every difficulty you will sense God's presence and believe for His miracles, as I will.

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