October 14, 2008

joy in knowing the power of prayer

Today is the day after Thanksgiving weekend. Yesterday was the warmest October 13th in recorded history. We sat at the kitchen table with the back screen door open, watching the glorious sunset and eating leftover turkey, cranberry jelly, and apple pie. Outwardly everything was wonderful. All of us were doing our best to have our high minded chats about theological issues and world concerns.

Underneath are some profound concerns for each of us, and for others we love. We were discussing prayer, and trying to articulate how it works, praying in the Spirit to the Father through the Son. I got out some books on prayer, Jim and my nephew continued in their discussions. I was too tired to join in the theological discussion at that time, although I am well able to do so. But I did say, and they agreed: " I don't know how prayer works, but I know it works. That's what matters."

A few hours later I sat with my husband Jim in emergency again, not because he was having or had had another mini stroke, but because I wanted him to get some more attention to his increasing dizziness. This time the doctor reported that the previous time they had not even re corded the mini stroke that had brought him in, and he wondered why Jim was there as he was so well. I was angry at the medical incompetence that had not accurately reported what we had been told verbally, and that had left Jim wondering for almost a week, waiting to hear from the specialist and all he has been put on at the moment is the low dose of aspirin!

I came home to conversations on the phone and otherwise about the deep concerns in our extended family. The consensus is that all we can do is pray. I was able to sleep, although I made myself unavailable for supply teaching yet again because of all the pressure on me and the late hour at which I went to bed.

I woke up after quite a good sleep realizing I had to write email prayer requests about certain situations. I am confident that God will undertake. But there is so much to pray about, to be concerned about. What would we do without prayer? How could any of us live in the midst of our struggles and our concerns about those of others? How could we truly overcome?

Whatever else I know about my life, I know that it is a testament to the power of prayer. And I know that whatever happens, nothing can change that. What a wonder is this for all of us.

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