June 30, 2008

joy in celebrating Canada on July 1st

A poem promised in the last blog post:

I am Canadian

When they yelled,
"You American!"
I said, "No!
I am Canadian."

When they sneered,
"African scum!"
I said "No!
I am Canadian."

When they asked,
"Do you feel Ugandan?"
I said, "No!
I am Canadian."

They accused,
"You're so different!
I said, "So?
I am Canadian."

I've traveled the world,
I met different people,
I tasted different food,
I witnessed different cultures,
I gazed on different skies,
I am a different person.

But in my heart,
I am still Canadian,
Canadian first,
Canadian last,
Canadian forever.

I am Canadian.

1 comment:

Belinda said...

Dear Meg,
I LOVE your blog, or more precisely, your musings!

I'm so glad that you let me know about New joy springs. I will bookmark it and be checking often for your latest thoughts on this or that!