July 05, 2008

joy in structure, boundaries, appreciation and encouragement

This was my first day at my new job at the thrift store. I worked extremely hard, quickly, cheerfully and productively. I am pleased with what I did and know that others are too. Part of the reason it was easy to want to work hard and well was because there are lots of good boundaries on this job. The rules are clear and fair, and everyone abides by them. When you do a good job, you get praised and thanked. Of course I knew that would be so before I took the job, and that was a big reason I wanted it. How important good boundaries are, and how important encouragement and praise are. Really we can't live without any of them. And that is what God gives us in His Word, in His dealings with us, in His people when they behave as they should. He always has the right balance, the fair rules, the praise and appreciation we know from Him deep within our hearts. Really we're talking about rules with relationship. We can't have one with the other, or it's like the law without love, or love that knows no boundaries. I am tired and not expressing myself well, but you know what I mean. Instinctively we know what the balance is, and when we experience it we feel that harmony that I feel now, with myself and with this work team I have joined. That is a new joy that I can celebrate, as I work hard.


Belinda said...

I'm so glad the first day went so well and I'm so glad you told us how it went.

All of the points you mentioed, are so key to a good team.

Meg said...

Belinda - you are such an encourager. What a blessing to know that you read my posts!!