June 29, 2008

joy in getting our words out

I guess we who blog want to get our words out. I don't remember the exact stats, but the impression I have is that women have more words they need to get out daily than men do. Whatever they are, I have found in my life that often when given a chance, or half a one, I have a lot to say about something. But so much of the time I don't talk much to people or want to, basically being a private person. So a new way to get my words out seems to be to blog. Thus I can muse to my heart's content, and maybe some of it will bless some of you. I have often found that my words have blessed others, especially when well chosen. Yet I, like you, am a busy person, and I tend not to want to spend a lot of time thinking through what I want to say. I do enough of that for essays and assignments. So to be able to share things thoughtfully but spontaneously, around a sort of theme, suits me fine. It might be that I can do a daily blog, getting some musings out there early in the morning for anyone to read and comment back. I was impressed by the person giving the blogging seminar at the Write Canada conference a few weeks ago, because she puts something on her blog every morning, very early, so that there is something for those expecting her words when they log on around 9 a.m.. That's a real discipline, and obviously her life is very organized around her blog and much of what has come out of that. She also comments a lot on current issues. That is not my intent, however much I admire those who do. But I do believe I have some useful thoughts to share on the interface of authentic Christianity and authentic humanity. For me that means living with integrity in every way...being honest about my struggles with life, sharing the joy I have in knowing Jesus Christ, as my saviour, personal friend, and Lord, and yet also, like Paul Tillich, having many days to just get up the "courage to be". Since I know that so many people live in that space, between a rock and a hard place, and I have lived in that space many of my days, I think I have something to contribute to the words that are already around about all that. I want my blogs to be musings, not rantings, so I may not give my opinion on a lot of things. But I do want to have an essential honesty about life and living it the Christian way, with reality. That is something else I have so appreciated about the Word Guild and the Write Canada conferences, all two of them that I have been to....that they are serious Christians who are serious about connecting with people where they are at...and serious about sharing about where they are at....in a way that rings true...the writers who have spoken at the plenary sessions are so real...and to try to be a writer...let alone a Christian writer in this day and age requires you to be very real....about some very basic things...like how to make money to survive...and yet live with integrity....these are some of the giants I battle each day....maybe you do too...So here goes - and may there be joy for me and for you in the sharing, as I get my words out...and please...get some out back to me...I may not have a lot of time for dialogue, but we can try!

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