July 02, 2008

joy in learning body language

My chiropractor did her routine adjustment on my neck this afternoon. But something new happened. Tears sprang to my eyes, and I shared deep feelings locked inside. We were both surprised in one way, and not in another. Our dialogue about my body's reflection of deep tension over my lifetime is ongoing. Today was proof that the journey is moving in the right direction...the iceberg beneath the surface is moving up and making its presence felt; the deep healing is coming. I can only rejoice. Yet I am taken aback again at the legacy of my life; the years of neglect, tension and abstinence have taken their toll. I wonder how I shall cope, how I shall move on....and yet I can have joy, in the midst of my pain, that there is hope....that as I learn body language, these "words" so foreign to my being and my background, that I will walk forward slowly into the promised land of connection between my body and my soul.

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