August 01, 2008

joy in knowing kindred spirits

Today is a reflective day again, of course, as I help my daughter prepare for her trip to Uganda in three days' time. In the midst of going around our busy little town in circles all day, remembering and forgetting, buying and arranging, making sure we have not forgotten presents for all our missionary and Ugandan friends, I have been so aware of the continuing joy of knowing this lovely girl who is my daughter Rachel. She is a kindred spirit, and being with her helps me to feel more at home with myself. And of course that is true also of Sarah, who is waiting out in Uganda, eager to see and be with Rachel, but also eager to come home and enjoy being with us all as a family again. When you are the type of person I am, you can feel that there are very few people in the world like me. Friends who really connect with me at the deepest level and many levels in between, from spiritual to artistic to humourous to intellectual to practical and simple, are few and far between. Knowing them and keeping them over the years have been some of the treasures in my life. But giving birth to precious girls, connecting deeply with them through many stages, going through many deep waters together, has been one of the greatest joys of my life so far. And now both of them will be away together in a foreign land, facing new dangers and adventures. I long to be with them but am excited for them to fly their wings. I am proud that I have helped them get ready to fly, and that they are excited to do that, and also to fly back home for more time together. And I am thrilled that not only are they kindred spirits but they are lovely women of God, girls, pure in their relationships in every way, seeking to be real and true and honest as well. What else can I ask for, as a mother, and a friend, and a sister in Christ, with these dear children, gifts to me from my father God.

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