July 27, 2008

joy in having time

Today was sort of my unofficial beginning to some "holidays". No big trip planned - my daughters are doing that, and we have to be at this end. No big deals at all..appointments, cleaning up, gardening, reading, going to the cottage, with some work entailed. But there is time..for the first time in a long time, there is time gifted to me, time for me to do what I need to do, and some to do what I want to do. I have hardly ever known what that feels like. I can't describe the feeling. It's hard to truly enjoy it yet with the stiff neck left over from my three week job, with the emotional and physical exhaustion still very close to the surface. But I am indeed looking forward to that time, knowing that when I go to bed tonight I will get a full rest, that I don't have to get more done tomorrow than I can cope with. I am so grateful for this gift. It will likely go by all too fast, but even in having that time, I know, because it is such a precious gift, I will use it well. I will try to savour every moment and remember it is a gift. And in a sense that is how we need to see every moment in our lives. I am so glad to be reminded about that. I have done a lot of living for the future, and hurting from the past. But this is today, and it is a gift. Tomorrow is coming, and it is a gift. May it also be so for you.

With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years is like a day.
2 Peter 3: 8b.

So I guess that could also mean that it feels like a thousand years since I had a holiday - but at least there will be tons of stuff happening in each of my days!!!

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