October 24, 2008

joy in having the Christian choice

My daughter and I watched The Hours last night, based on the life and work of Virginia Woolf. As writers, students and teachers of literature, and creative people we responded to the acting and presentation of the film and story but were appalled by much of what happened. There was a romanticization of immoral choices as well as a stark dramatization of the harsh experiences of life and relationships. I admired and appreciated the acting and the sensitive portrayal of the characters and their settings. But I could only feel as a Christian that this was another example of the hopelessness of life without Christ, and the amazing possibilities that would have been available for the characters in Christ. Whatever the existential struggles I have known and still do, my fundamental worldview is a Christian one, and I know who I am in Him, and the security of my hope. I am so grateful, and am renewed in my commitment to help others to know Him and to grow in Him.

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