October 23, 2008

joy in knowing God's strength is enough

I am getting ready for another day of supply teaching. The crush of various responsibilities hits me at once in the midst of family, deadlines, and all that I leave behind undone as I go out to do work that I am grateful for. And I don't know what kind of day awaits me. As I grow in my capacity to handle my new supply situations with less anxiety, I can enjoy my days more, and have more trust for the future. Of course it certainly helps that my husband is getting the medical preventative attention that he needs and that nothing drastic is happening at the moment.

So much of our lives are like this. We each balance our own combination of pressures and pleasures, and trust for God's sufficiency and strength. That is all we can ever do. And certainly the increased crush reminds us of our dependence upon Him. And yet we are always so.

"All of you is more than enough for all of me....For every thirst and every need..." So the words go. They were ringing in my ears as I got up this morning. Let's share them together on video from You tube. May we count on His "supply" today!

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