November 27, 2008

joy in making use of experience in a creative and helpful way

This week I have been working on a lesson/presentation for my Adult Education training course on Saturday. We are allowed to teach about anything, and have to make it dynamic in 10 to 15 minutes. One of my classmates, knowing of my experience of living in Africa, suggested I do something about the differences between what people think and what actually happens when you visit and live there. That inspiration led to my developing a lesson about a crosscultural communication issue that is actually difficult and annoying to deal with, but common to all foreigners visiting Africa. I have called it The Mzungu Factor. Instead of talking about my own experience, I was able to make use of a search engine to find many instances of the same experience for others in their blogs, as tourists, volunteers, missionaries, whatever. It has been helpful to me as well, because it has focused something I found hard, as my daughters did, an ongoing experience of a kind of racism. There are historical reasons for it rooted in colonialism, and with all of us coming from the rich west it is understandable. However, that still doesn't change how it can feel, and so the benefit of my "teaching" about this is that it can prepare people for such an experience and help them to prepare to deal with it. If any of you want to know more about what I am talking about, just leave a comment with your email address and I will send you an attachment with my Powerpoint presentation. For me, as my title says, the joy is in making use of my experience in a creative and helpful way.

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