July 21, 2008

joy in casting all our cares upon Him

Standing at my sorting counter hour upon hour gives me lots of opportunity to think, to pray, and, you guessed it, to worry. My specialty. So I have learned when that happens to sing this sweet chorus. You may already know it:

I cast all my cares upon you;
I lay all of my burdens down at your feet;
Anytime I don't know what I'm to do
I just cast all my cares upon you.

It's so simple, yet it is the only way, for me and for you.


Brenda said...

I don't know the song but the words ministered to me. Where does it come from? I spent a lot of time traveling in the car yesterday so to pass the time I looked up and wrote down all the Scriptures I could find on anxiety and peace. There were a lot of them and they were very comforting words.

Meg said...

Hi Brenda - don't have time today to look up that song but you could google those words and probably find a song sample...I will have time in a few days maybe...so glad the words ministered to you..wish I could sing those words..there may be more to the song but I only know those...will let you know what I find out...Blessings